Getting Started#

As tldap is a library for use for applications, this documentation is aimed at Django developers, who are already reasonable competent at programming with Django.

Basic Usage#

  1. (Django only) Add the following to the django settings file:

    LDAP = {
         'default': {
              'ENGINE': 'tldap.backend.fake_transactions',
              'URI': 'ldap://localhost',
              'USER': 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org',
              'PASSWORD': 'XXXXXXXX',
              'REQUIRE_TLS': False,
              'START_TLS': False,
              'TLS_CA' : None,

    The database model in Django allows automatically generating uidNumber and gidNumber values, and also automatically configures the backends.

  2. (No Django) Initialize tldap with:

    import tldap.backends
    settings = {
         'default': {
              'ENGINE': 'tldap.backend.fake_transactions',
              'URI': 'ldap://localhost',
              'USER': 'cn=admin,dc=example,dc=org',
              'PASSWORD': 'XXXXXXXX',
              'REQUIRE_TLS': False,
              'START_TLS': False,
              'TLS_CA' : None,
  3. Create an application specific layer with LDAP schema information. See tests/ and tests/django/ for examples.

  4. Create an object:

    account = Account({
        'uid': "tux",
        'givenName': "Tux",
        'sn': "Torvalds",
        'cn': "Tux Torvalds",
        'telephoneNumber': "000",
        'mail': "",
        'o': "Linux Rules",
        'userPassword': "silly",
        'homeDirectory': "/home/tux",
        'gidNumber': 10,
        'uidNumber': 10,  # Not required if using Django helper method.
    account = tldap.database.insert(account)
  5. Retrieve one object:

    account = tldap.database.get_one(Account, Q(uid='tux'))
  6. Search for objects.

    for account in
  7. For some real examples on how methods are used, see the karaage.