# Copyright 2018 Brian May
# This file is part of python-tldap.
# python-tldap is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# python-tldap is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with python-tldap If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
from typing import Dict, Iterator, Optional, Set, Tuple
import ldap3
from ldap3.core.exceptions import LDAPNoSuchObjectResult
import tldap
import tldap.fields
from tldap.backend.base import LdapBase
from tldap.filter import filter_format
def get_filter_item(name: str, operation: bytes, value: bytes) -> bytes:
A field could be found for this term, try to get filter string for it.
assert isinstance(name, str)
assert isinstance(value, bytes)
if operation is None:
return filter_format(b"(%s=%s)", [name, value])
elif operation == "contains":
assert value != ""
return filter_format(b"(%s=*%s*)", [name, value])
raise ValueError("Unknown search operation %s" % operation)
def get_filter(q: tldap.Q, fields: Dict[str, tldap.fields.Field], pk: str):
Translate the Q tree into a filter string to search for, or None
if no results possible.
# check the details are valid
if q.negated and len(q.children) == 1:
op = b"!"
elif q.connector == tldap.Q.AND:
op = b"&"
elif q.connector == tldap.Q.OR:
op = b"|"
raise ValueError("Invalid value of op found")
# scan through every child
search = []
for child in q.children:
# if this child is a node, then descend into it
if isinstance(child, tldap.Q):
search.append(get_filter(child, fields, pk))
# otherwise get the values in this node
name, value = child
# split the name if possible
name, _, operation = name.rpartition("__")
if name == "":
name, operation = operation, None
# replace pk with the real attribute
if name == "pk":
name = pk
# DN is a special case
if name == "dn":
dn_name = "entryDN:"
if isinstance(value, list):
s = []
for v in value:
assert isinstance(v, str)
v = v.encode('utf_8')
s.append(get_filter_item(dn_name, operation, v))
search.append("(&".join(search) + ")")
# or process just the single value
assert isinstance(value, str)
v = value.encode('utf_8')
search.append(get_filter_item(dn_name, operation, v))
# try to find field associated with name
field = fields[name]
if isinstance(value, list) and len(value) == 1:
value = value[0]
assert isinstance(value, str)
# process as list
if isinstance(value, list):
s = []
for v in value:
v = field.value_to_filter(v)
s.append(get_filter_item(name, operation, v))
search.append(b"(&".join(search) + b")")
# or process just the single value
value = field.value_to_filter(value)
search.append(get_filter_item(name, operation, value))
# output the results
if len(search) == 1 and not q.negated:
# just one non-negative term, return it
return search[0]
# multiple terms
return b"(" + op + b"".join(search) + b")"
def _get_search_params(query: Optional[tldap.Q], fields: Dict[str, tldap.fields.Field],
object_classes: Set[str], pk: str):
# add object classes to search array
oc_query = tldap.Q()
for oc in sorted(object_classes):
oc_query = oc_query & tldap.Q(objectClass=oc)
if query is None:
query = oc_query
query = oc_query & query
# do a SUBTREE search
scope = ldap3.SUBTREE
# construct search filter string
if query is not None:
search_filter = get_filter(query, fields, pk)
search_filter = None
return scope, search_filter
def search(
connection: LdapBase, query: Optional[tldap.Q], fields: Dict[str, tldap.fields.Field],
base_dn: str, object_classes: Set[str], pk: str) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, dict]]:
field_names = list(fields.keys())
scope, search_filter = _get_search_params(query, fields, object_classes, pk)
results = connection.search(base_dn, scope, search_filter, field_names)
for result in results:
dn = result[0]
data = result[1]
yield dn, data
except LDAPNoSuchObjectResult: